Love Poem: Shattered
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Written by: Sandy Schermerhorn


That song, those words beginning at the start
Cutting you to the quick, tearing through your heart
Ripping every essence of your soul apart
That writer seen your vulnerability, looked around your head, then read your thoughts you 
had there in your mind
As you sit there listening to the music wishing you could leave all the hurt and pain behind

Your life as you now know it thrown in disarray
And then there are the things that people will inadvertently say
You will find that special love meant for just you someday
But all things said, listened to, and felt only time can make ease and only then can you let 
yourself put them away

The mirror in front of you as your reflection looks back
Broken glass revealing a distorted view of the self confidence you lack
Now you are bleeding as you lay on the floor flat
Because no, not you, can ever give yourself any kind of slack
The puzzle piece is now missing and you’re left looking at a changed you, in that mirror, 
through a crack

Even though before I didn’t want to 
I’m now ready to give up you
I know this is exactly what I have to do
Although I don’t know how to give up the fight
And I don’t know how to stop the flight
It’s neither wrong nor is it right

I’m now again alone
I’m here on my own
I’m picking up my pieces of me and away I’ll go
I now reap what I sew
I have no regrets of you though I maybe broken, shattered, and low
I’ve let you finally go
And just wanted you to hear it from me
I’m stronger than you will ever know
To be