Love Poem: Shattering...
Izzy Gumbo Avatar
Written by: Izzy Gumbo


Shattering Light of Life
burns bright in the turn of eYes
Look Love and Listen, Heaven's right here
Not somewhere waiting....

... obsolete and dissolving,
is 'Self' destruct word 'hating'...

There are know "obstacles" to Love
Like a flow of Water upon the Earth
Conquering all in it's Path.

...gentle as a stream and Just,
a trickle is a ripple in the Uni.Verse...

Be it need a wave or falls, spinning lights
or disco balls, rhymes of science or song
of birds... the Message of Love is a Laugh
In.Ward. Do you get my rift? ;)~

There's a batty hatter Singing and
The Light is ringing, to be heard.

"Love", is the IN.Word.
WE give 'it'....
IN. an OUT. wordly way... to the World.

Dedicated to a "FreeMan" who always knew
that Love is a CAN.DO.... Word.UP! too ;)