She, In the Heart of Me-
She, In the Heart of Me…
There are people who made better life choices than------I.
Some, like she, have loved me, and love her, I-----------DO.
Sharing thoughts and reciting poetry I shall surely-------MISS.
I do not want to accept the truth; she has gone. Oh, ---MY.
Life shall never be the same without my dear------------AUNT.
Her beautiful soul matches her beautiful name-----------ELEANOR.
Who knew me better these latter years? A friend was----SHE.
We shared experiences, and philosophies? We-----------LOVED.
She lived a compassionate life of service to many--------AND
Aunt Eleanor's kindhearted positive views----------------ENCOURAGED
Her beauty within and without now lives in the heart of--ME.
© Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
February 12, 2010
Poetic form: The new "End Line Word" (Lyrical, too)
Dedicated to My Aunt Eleanor Baksa
Deceased February 10, 2010.