She Is Only a Cow
Soft brown eyes
Saucers of compassion
Whispered on my heart
Where sentiments remind me
She vibrates with warmth
Gentle hugs of kindness
Reflected in her eyes
They bleed tears of sorrow
When I refuse to listen
To the bawling of her longings
Huge yearnings of sincerity
Breathe psalms of inspiration
Praises of the One who created
Both cow and human, knowing
Intimately, their inner workings
Love is the only word
Worthy of this special bond
Between Miss Betsy and me
The heart who sees through
To color my hope in serenity
Love brings two hearts close
When nothing else can see
The penetrating grace that comes
Between two who know personally
The connection of hope and faith
A light, consoling and calming,
Brightens the moments in hues
Of sparkling, shining inspiration
Found within a heart who praises
Through the music of silent affection
“She is only a cow” are words I don’t doubt
But, to me, she is a cow who loves
And, that, I’m completely sure of!
May God bless His beautiful creatures
As they bless the hearts who care for them
With sincere affection and generosity
Love that cares more than words can say
“She is only a cow”
Yet, she is a cow I adore!