She Is the One I Want
I see you there baby, and it brightens my day
You’re like the sun in my life, you always part the rain
Like Moses did with the red sea back in the bible
You make me not wanna get pissed at my rivals
But that’s beside the point and you know you’re one of my idols
However I can never have you, I already know this
I really love you baby, I just don’t waste my time showin’ it
Cuz at the end of the day when I fall all I know is this
Every time I see you there, you hug me I feel good inside
All of a sudden I’m not upset anymore, and all I feel is the butterflies
Crawlin from my stomach all the way into my chest
Cuz deep down in my heart, I will never be at rest
Till I have you, in my arms, I’ll protect you from what causes harm
I’m fallin asleep get me outta this nightmare then there goes my alarm
And I wake up, see you sitting there beside me
I realize that you are the one in need in my life, do you agree?