She Loves Me, I Know
there’s an old Asian legend
that says: your present face
is that of the one you love
the most.
it’s probably a myth
but all myths have a drop of
truth that isn’t subjective.
as I stand in front of this
broken reflection of what I
chose to murder, as I wander
inside these walls on the
Terrace, as I stare at blue
walls that cry, I greet
it is an old friend that leaves
and returns more and more.
it’s devotion is unlike any
no woman could match it.
I’ve grieved her under the sun,
as the city lights blur and
stare at me with their eyes
and from the darkest corner
of the night.
the gods listen
and take note.
if the face legend is true, the
one I love is the saddest version
of death, in a double shot.
By: Chicano Eddie