She May Be the One To Kill Me
Dear friend,
What is love? Pardon the phrase but, love is
unexplainable. Love is different to all people and different from all points of view.
This matter need not be addressed but in the end all do it anyways. Drowning is
like fire in the lungs. The water rushes in and it burns. The waves somehow suck
you down into the dark. Nothing below, faint light above. Rushing into the
darkness is what feels familiar. These things need not be addressed, but they
will anyways. Why is it that some people seek the coldest, dampest places in
solitude? Why do humans seek to destroy when life is what we can create?
These things need not be addressed, but they will nonetheless. Not to trail off the
subject, back to the point at hand. Unrequited love often feels like drowning.
Burning chest, burning lungs feels the same. All that love and no where, no one
to give it to. Taken these things into consideration, love is better off left dormant
and untouched. Drowning and feeling like drowning are the same. Neither one is
no better than the other. In fact the water seems to be a little more inviting. Due to
the fact that at least drowning will finish you off and kill you. You cant truly die from
a broken heart. It only feels like it.
Yours truly,
A voice of a distant star