Love Poem: She of Sweet Kisses
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Written by: Keith O.J. Hunt

She of Sweet Kisses

She of sweet kisses and lavender hues,
  with wild loving eyes,
  to melt in each orb of fire,
  and dream too long....
Disguised to resist such wild love;
  untamed as a wild stallion ---
  she illumed this little darkling....
  with her little light of love,
  vast as the hope in her heavenly heart

That I dream her little dream,
  and dance to the wanton moon in her eyes;
  where the heavens alight a darkest night,
  where my heart swoons in sweeter meadows,
  I hold her as mine;
  for all time, we are One,
  in this red-wedded night,
(She of sweet kisses)