She Said Yes
2017 comes to an end
I'm happy to be with my best friend
As you know her name is josette
The best friend a man could get
Loyal loving and great fun
Have a laugh in the rain or sun
My life my world she truly is
Now world you need to listen to this
On Christmas day she opened her prize
A diamond ring twinkled in her eyes
With a little note on the side
Will you marry me be my bride
With a tear shed in her eye
If she were Scottish she just said aye
But in English the words did flow
The answer world was not no
It was a big Yes to my big act
I love her so much that is a fact
United together we will now be
Forever and ever total unity
So friends and family we wish you well
2018 I hope will be swell
I know my years get better and better
Even if the weather is wetter and wetter
Happy new year from my fiance and I
I'm as happy as a man eating ale pie