She Still Tickles Me
Giggles would erupt
at just her tender touch!
Then, but a babe of four, I can almost feel it still.
Grandma, will you tickle me? I’d say when she sat down.
Together, we would grace the old red sofa by the wall.
Shivers up and down my spine
would flutter as she stroked
and often she would speak of dear old friends,
whom she had lost,
“Clara”, she would say, “would always tickle me!”
The very thought of that would
have me chuckling all the more
as anything but literal could not yet come to mind.
Now, of course,
her meaning is as sweet as every memory
and every day I feel her, as she still sits by my side.
Even at this ripe old age,
with every thought of Grandma, how she still tickles me!