She That Love Satisfied and I Would Die To Please
As Eager Sun Rose, Rewarding Its First Bright Gifts
As dawn woke, uttering shining of its first rays
Night's darkest veil vanished into whispering winds
Rooster's clear crow, signaling a wonderful day
Full of life, with golden treasures love's truth portends
Bliss a'flowing as our love endures, as we pray.
From soft flowering fields, precious dream comes to me
As cool winds blow, I see deep longing in your eyes
Looking at our names, carved in that Sycamore tree
Our promises made under brightest moonlit skies
Ringing forth again, love vows from romantic seas!
My Love, Time can never your soft-kisses erase
Nor die nights we begged passion would never flee
I long to see you dancing with beauty and grace
Beneath the massive arch of those tall black-oak trees
Nothing in this empty world, can your love replace!
As dawn woke, uttering shining of its first rays
Night's darkest veil vanished into whispering winds
Rooster's clear crow, signaling a wonderful day
Full of life, with golden treasures love's truth portends
Bliss a'flowing, may our love endure, this we pray.
Robert J. Lindley, 2-08-2020
Rhyme, ( Wherein Sweet Romance And Loving Treasures Abound )
Note- Original version from 1979, edited 7-03-2019,
edited 2-06-2020.
She That Love Satisfied And I Would Die To Please
She that Love satisfied and I would die to please
grew weary of my love, abandoned me with ease
yet in romantic heart and soul, her kiss remains
as a soothing balm to sad loss and epic pains
now she flies in, as an angel with golden wings
within sweetest dreams, kisses so softly and sings!
Dare I to never wake, hold this paradise firm
be forever faithful and live on her love terms
remain slave to this fantasy and its delights
as a giver throughout such hot romantic nights
under her enchanting spell, dying for her touch
dare I, give up life's all, love her again too much!
As golden moon falls into its deep, dark abyss
sorrow awaits, for each time comes that ending kiss
as in cherished dream, loving treasures soon will end
I face truth, I am dead to my lover, my friend
day and reality- this heart they again wake
truth - for pure love, two true lovers it takes to make!
She that Love satisfied and I would die to please
grew weary of my love, abandoned me with ease!
Robert J. Lindley, 2-14-2020
Romanticism, (From youth to old age)...
edited -2-14-2020-
Romanticism, poem doubles,
(From youth to old age)...
from past lost love to greatest of treasures...