She Used To Cry
She used to cry
She would be alone
And suddenly scared
She’d call to me and
I’d rush there
She’d act so brave
But then it would come
The crack in her voice
The pain that wouldn’t numb
This woman who has been so respected
Dear to so many,
Treasured by her family
Now sat beside me
Feeling rejected
And starting to cry she visibly shook
She said you know I can’t remember
I think so hard and it won’t come
How much will I lose before it is done
I became the mom
And she my child
As I wrapped her in my arms
And protectingly rocked her
My love so full but not able to
Save her from what this disease would do
Whenever she’d call
I’d come and pray
But this night the prayer was different
I prayed as if I was holding my dearest child
I prayed that the Father would wrap her in his arms
Give her comfort and the confusion would be mild
I prayed He would be the Father that she now needed
And His voice would be the one that she now heeded
And she could feel the love of so many
And rest
She doesn’t cry now
She doesn’t know
She accepts her plight
To live in the darkness of night
She lives in confusion
And forgets the illusion
That she will get better
She doesn’t cry now
Dedicated to Nell Young Wise
An amazingly precious soul
That I call mom
Slipping further into dementia