She Waits!
They have waited so long for this moment,
Now around the corner she waits!
Anticipation of her date,
She knows him well,
Though they have never met.
Question running through her head,
For he has clawed at her heart for such a long time,
The beast, trying to get in,
To show his love for her.
Nebula, fire works fill the cloudy night sky,
Excitement enthralls her soul,
Her body trembles.
When will he arrive,
It is such a long drive?
It is starting to snow.
The driver lost control,
All that is left is his soul,
Now racing to meet her.
Will she know he is there,
Will she know how much he cares?
Will she feel the spring time in the air?
Music playing, Yanni, “Reflections of Passion”
The passion he has felt for her,
She for him, such a long time.
Around the corner,
She waits!