She's Like Bubble Gum
She's like bubble gum
I take her out of the wrapper
Put her in my mouth
Chomp down
It taste good at first
There's no denying that
The taste is wonderful
It's sugary and sweet
There's new touches of sweetness that I can savor
I swoosh it around in my mouth
I blow a big bubble
And I then hear her pop
There's no better sound
Than to hear that pop
It's a thrill
Then after awhile
The taste looses it's sweetness
It becomes a chore
I swoosh it around my mouth
It's seems rudimentary
Not complimentary
I blow a big bubble
It doesn't pop
It lost it's flavor
I then take the bubble gum
Look at it for the last time
Toss it out into the wind
And let someone else step on it
It's that easy
There's more bubble gum to unwrap
Baby out there is thinking what the heck
Is he talking about
She's right
She's still in the wrapper
Freshly minted
Gift wrapped
Waiting to arrive, I bet
Baby out there is thinking what the heck
Is he talking about
She's right
I'm just having fun,
connie pachecho