Love Poem: Shes the Reason
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Written by: Megan Hollar

Shes the Reason

She is the reason I don't feel anything
She is the reason I'm so cold
She is the reason I'm not whole
She is the reason why I don't trust anybody
She is the reason my walls are so high
She is the reason I cry myself to sleep every night
She is the reason that I turn to drugs too feel safe again
She is the reason why I lost my soul
She is the reason why my demons scream so loud.

She destroyed me and everything that I am, they say the worst thing you can do too someone is just dissapear without saying why.
I didn't believe them until you were gone and I had no explanation.
I was left alone to break down.
I was left alone to sit with my own thoughts and wonder about everything that I did wrong.
She is the reason why I was left alone too fall deeper into the black hole of my soul.
And she was the reason I picked myself up and continued to move on, because she had. I meant nothing too her so now she means nothing to me. 
And I can't wait for her to come back because when she does, I will be the reason that she is crying.