Shine Bright
My Queen shine bright/Queen shine your light so that your seeds may grow/Queen shine your light so that the world will know that it is a reflection of God's love and wisdom/My Queen shine bright/Queen chase away the darkness of ignorance with the wisdom that your light brings/Queen shine the light of love so that seeds of justice may grow/My Queen shine bright/Queen let them feel the rays of your light the warmth of love,mercy,and compassion that they may know/Queen your light must shine without it we are doomed/Queen shine the light of peace that we may know heaven on earth/My Queen shine bright/Queen shine your light on your king so that every step is rooted in wisdom as the seeds of love grow in his heart/Queen shine your light on your king as he leads the family in these dark times so that we never lose our way/My Queen shine bright/Queen shine your light it is what you were born to do/Queen with your light burn the weeds of jealousy,hate,doubt,fear,and all the great enemies of love and knowledge/My Queen shine Mashavi