Love Poem: Shining trough the dark
Albena  Yordanova  Avatar
Written by: Albena Yordanova

Shining trough the dark

Shining through the dark

I met a star - so tiny, quiet and so far.
But her shining was so bright. I was magnetised and so delighted and I couldn’t stop my self and ask her:
“How could you - such a tiny and sweet star and from so far, have such power and send us your light here, to the beings of the dark.
The star was so pleasantly surprised by the asking of that strange and so intriguing  creature, being unfortunately so far.
She got shy and she replied:
“I was made to shine and be the light, who would create this magical connective path. And we, no matter how far one from another, meet each other. Now you can always feel me through my shining light and I will save you from your deepest dark.”