Shints Mere Shints Mere
Wierded by your stumpish quirks
foolish retorical ramblings
unrelated to any topic
with objectiives
that jive against the
needs of our relationship
lacking lusteris something dull
in need of attention
might we speak of the vase
it's beauty is marvel from
it's appeal
but it lacks the care a good
varnishing could bring
the chimera leaves us hoping
that our lack of interest in shelacing
cause us to make myth of the deed and doings
yet we still keep interest in the possession
of the vase due to
both our love of it
and our desire to extract it's power
by owning it
but when we are most eager
to be loved
we gain interest in one another
love details our need to belong to one another
might we never part
it's kismel a zest of living and loving one another