Shirlene's Three Days
Shirlene's Three Days
Written: by Tom Wright
A calm has come amidst a storm
At last, at last, I've finally found.
Peace came to me, as bees to swarm
As fleas to an aging old hound.
My burden scale reads faint to lifted
Your sails are trimmed and course set true.
Sad thoughts of you though oft I've sifted
Have vanished like this mornings dew.
Unpleasant memories I've interred deep
Beyond my intellect bell's faint tingle.
No more into my psyche dare they creep
Or with my pleasant thoughts to mingle.
But you haven't moved from our space
You'll always be foremost on our minds.
And in our heart's your special place
Is still filled with a Godly love that binds.
So when your life seems less up than down
View those days as just another life test.
Paste on a smile and chase that frown
And seek God's help to just do your best.