Love Poem: Shit Happens
Tonytocaa Camacho Avatar
Written by: Tonytocaa Camacho

Shit Happens

Coming from out of nowhere 
somewhere in space
somewhere above 
Somewhere my love
Running and running I was
Those son of a guns
Would pop me in my head
Pop pop pop on my face
Splat spla splat
Trying to dodge them
But to no avail
Shit happens I guess 
They were streaming down 
millions of them
Some as big as a house
Some tiny itsy-bitsy ones
Couldn't even see the sun shine
Clouds people or :-) Faces

I was the marathon man
I ran,ran and ran for cover
But they were everywhere
Snowflakes got bigger and bigger
I kept running uphill downhill
Uptown downtown Chinatown too
And to my surprise came a large snowball
Bigger than life itself Rolled side-by-side
Parallel to me it did 

Soon was consumed by all this snow
Sucked up by this larger than life snowball
Rolling by the countryside 
In speeds of up to 65
And continuing on this journey
Seemed time had stood still
Being a wayward vagabond
And adventurer at heart
Although a prisoner I didn't mind
In spite of the path that was chosen
Before being born
In All the confusion what I miss most was my girl
Sweet Maggie May
As I would call ,in the sweet tender moments
That only Shakespeare would write about
And Rembrandt paint..

With all the thoughts on my Maggie May
Seems the cold didn't bother me at all
When suddenly seeing this other ball
Even larger than my own
Roll along side
To my amazement there was someone in it
a person like myself
Woopie woopie dandelions
I can't Believe it
Happy :-) At a thought of having someone 
so near wow
We finally came to a halt 
In the frozen tundra below
Knowing that years and years 
had passed me by
Looking across the other side
Gazing at the other ball of snow white
To see this other person a prisoner like myself
Put a smile to my face and jumpstart to my heart
It was totally electrifying
I wasn't alone anymore
Me Maggie May and Those big balls
Here comes the sun..