Shocking Facts About Love -20220403
If it's in the Bible
Absolutely said
Give me handle or epistle:
"Love is all." Not said
John the Revelator
Says God is LIGHT, first
John says it in 1st Letter
God showed it in Genesis
Light sends darkness off
One stroke, one switch, one fire
Love is of Him not "God is Love" -
Love is good, LIGHT IS HIGHER
1. John's First Epistle, 1 John 1: 1-10
2. When Mahatma Gandhi Ji was assassinated in 1947, J. Nehru said, "The light is gone out of the world," not LOVE IS GONE OUT OF THE WORLD. Nehru, unwittingly, echoed Jesus: " I am the light of the World," in John 12 (verse 8).
3. In the Fourth Gospel (NT), verse 9, expands on he, himself, is a witness to The Light, but Jesus "is the true LIGHT," yet rejected because men love their darknesses.