Short Story........ About My Book
Summer love, starts slowly. But as the summer nights last longer, so do the
feelings of love resonate in the air for young lovers. This is exactly where our
story begins. It all started near the end of August. I had just found out my family
was on our way, to packing up in a race to move to Toronto Ontario in just about
seven days. I had no idea, how much my life in Everett would have changed my
life forever.
There was this boy, of course there always is a boy. In highschool he seemed to
be the quiet type. You know the mysterious ones, that you look at in the corner of
your eye and tease. He barely exchanged glances back, and when he did I would
always flash a mischievious smile. Oh the glory days, when you get all dizzy from
the sensation of "crushes". I have never been able to clearly tell someone, when
I feel something for them, and this was definetly a case. We did as most people
do these days. We exchanged msn's and spoke nightly for hours. In the secret
quiet of the night, I finally got to know him. He was kind, and sweet, the type of
guy I never thought I would fall for. It just seemed right, if you know what I mean. I
always went for the angsty, bad boy basically the hottie in the leather jackets
leaning over their trans- ams. So what was so special about James. He was this
diamond in the rough. At first glance, almost dull. But as you looked closer, the
most brilliant color. He could make me laugh, he had one of the highest
intellects of anyone I had ever known, and the most captivating eyes. I remeber
looking in them, and feeling as if the dark brown pools could suck me in and
keep me there forever.
Our relationship to start, was that of a slow one. He went with walks with me,
humourously walking on the other side of the path from me. I remeber always
thinking, " When is this kid going to smarten up, and hold my hand." But everyone
has those sort of stories when they are young. From there on out every second of
the day, I could I would be spending the day with him. He was the one release
from the pressures of the hustle and the panic inside of my home. My parents
indecision to pick up our lives and move was to say the least exhuasting. I grew
nauseated as every day past, because what I knew what was to come was for
the worst.