Should I
"What's Love Got To Do With It"
Was a song I heard a lot
As I lay trying to sleep
On my childhood bedroom cot.
Now these words ring again in my ears,
As I seek to find what's true.
However, when I explore these thoughts,
I quickly become real blue.
I doubt the reasons others say.
I can't believe they'd be real.
When I picture them,
I get no sudden appeal.
Rather I have the immediate thought,
"He couldn't have done that to me."
Yet when I think this,
I remain bound and am not free.
Some say it's obvious,
That he's hurt me to the core.
I say it's just nonsense.
If it was true, I'd be a whore.
How could I love him, as I say,
But yet I flich from any touch.
Could it be there's no reason to falter,
That I'm overreacting way too much.
It's just so hard to tell these days.
Nobody is what they appear.
The person you love the most
Is the one you often need fear.
I continue to wonder if I worry too much.
Do I accuse beyond what's true?
Should I let all this go?
Is that something I can even do?