Should We Cower In Life's Castles
Should We Cower in Life's Castles?
I can hate things you value and still think you're worthy
of friendship, of honor, though we disagree,
but communities call for reciprocal action;
I can't tie your hands and pretend you're not me!
Yes, agreements are great (all votes equal and counted)
where power's not worshiped (that's sure that it's right).
Truths exist (some more likely), like "all men are sinners,"
like men are dim boobs who believe they've birthed 'light!'
Let's not live safe in castles and call this world peaceful,
not lock loved ones out of the fears and the dreams
all have doubts they are up to, share crayons with strangers
who'd color worlds' futures (give thought to their schemes!)
Let's eschew thoughts that 'tribes' bring us safety through numbers,
mob's strong-arm, 'group think' aren't great paths hearts can choose,
that religious 'faith' questioned means we're undeserving,
that Grace must get earned if one's soul's not to lose!
First, comes chicken or egg? Truth's mankind had ONE mother
whose progeny flourished (her rivals -decay?)
Call her 'Eve' if it pleases, 'precursor to human,'
who rose from 'star's dust' (that the Bible calls "clay")
if 'God' called shots or not! Truth's that Christ claimed this early,
"all men are your brothers," and 'race' seems 'trash talk'
of small minds (when it's voiced for advantage!) Truth's Science,
too, echoes faint models! What's "TRUE" is God's lock!
Evolution shines bright (hides God's heart in its shadows)
in shadows meandering billions of years
back to date we can't ken yet though someday our heirs might.
'Fixed stars' (like 'flat earth') are a joke (God's in tears?)
If I knew one sure thing, then I might be less humble!
I don't (though night's stars seem much grander than me!)
So I dream that there's more (that God's Love's in the offing)
and love of dear friends is all I need to see!
Brian Johnston
17th of December in 2022