Shouldn't Love Be With Us Until We Die
Shouldn't love will be with us until we die
tenderly embraced or apart for a silly lie?
To be one soul and be truly inseparable,
trust in each other must be irrevocable!
Let no secrets or passions
interfere with your feelings,
with your prized happiness:
they are only passing winds!
Shouldn't love revolve around sincerity,
what happens if there's no total fidelity?
Affair is the only reason for breaking up,
never betray your darling and split up!
Defend what's sanctified and honorable,
no small betrayal is worth any trouble;
what was sworn before God is eternal:
faithfulness is sacred, lust is carnal!
Shouldn't love resist any temptation
and prove itself to be an unbreakable vow?
Words meant to deceive aren't too mellow:
don't fail and fall hard, avoid isolation!