Shout Me
Shout me
Your anger
In caps
If you like
Get it off
Your mind
And let it
All out
Shout me
Your anger
What it is
You hate
Is it
The world around
Or the walls
That bound
Shout me
An anger
In frustration
Pent up
Shut up
Excite them
Shout me
An anger
Am sure
Subjects abound
Stewing in that pot
Don’t let it brown
Shout me
An anger
Use me
To punch it out
Let it go
Let it go
Let’s go out
Shout me
All your anger
PM me
If you will
View me
As all
That is wrong
I offer myself
So, you
Can move on
Shout me
Your anger
Just whisper me
Your love