Show Me the Money
where you lay your treasures down
is the place where your heart is found
Jesus said similar words in the New Testament
to tell mankind of the message that God wanted them to get
it's about our priorities those things that mean so much
it's about what we treasure that which hold to and clutch
it's about anyone being able to discover, deduce and define
what are the true values in a person's heart and mind
it's not about people but about what people treasure
for that is the true indicator by which we are measured
can one think with one's heart? does the heart understand?
what are the basic principles that determines what makes a man?
show me the money, show me your measure
show me the money those things that you treasure
we live in a society that is consumed and corrupted by greed
where wealth is that commodity that everyone strives to achieve
many people define themselves by how much wealth they have attained
where millionaire and billionaire are the titles placed before their names
they say the love of money is the root of all evil which can take a person away
from the spirit of the word of God and the message that it conveys
people have intrinsic value as we are all children of the most high God
for it's not about monetary values but the moral values which we impart
people tend to desire things, they can't seem to get enough possessions
and when "Black Friday" comes they shop with a maniacal obsession
we live in a time where 80% of all the world's wealth
is in the hands of less that 20% of the people here on earth
we pay professional athletes millions of dollars to play a game
but a teacher less than $50,000 now doesn't that seem insane?
what is wrong with this picture? what values do we measure?
where are our priorities? what is it that we truly treasure?
we think we own everything but people fail to see
that in all actuality it's all God's property
show me the money that which to you God gave
show me the money that which man obsessively craves
money is the one thing next to life which God speaks most of
money is the one possession He asks that we tithe with an unselfish love
yet we tend to place money before our love for Father God
but it shouldn't have a place that is so prominent in our hearts
yes money has a purpose it has a function in society
just don't allow it to become your first priority
show me the money show me where your treasures lie
show me the money show me where your heart resides