Love Poem: Shower Guy
Sajdah Al-Riyami Avatar
Written by: Sajdah Al-Riyami

Shower Guy

Just when you thought
That you cant love no more

The shower guy yells for a towel
And your on the floor

He's mesmerized your every thought
And he is mesmerized by your every thought

Its like hope left you
and came back right in your heart

One day your were down
and you thought it a never ending frown

But the next you were hiking
With a boy thats grown

"Havent seen him since preschool
Its like daipers all over again

Im holding his hands
I want to be with this now man"

I'm here for you
Am here for everything you need

But a now man was all
that you plead

So i hope he turns out great
That soon youll have him growl

Now scooch girl!
Go Be his Towel!