Shower Talk
Stress beyond compare, real life truth or dare, Trying to do the best thing but can't deal with the hurt you bring
Words filled with razors blades that make the most humble man misbehave, Can't help but to keep wondering what I got myself into keep pacifying your insecurities because of the things you've been through, Everytime I think we're on the right road, a grenade comes out of left field & we explode, I do love you & I'm sure you love me, but It's like the forest is out of focus because of one tree, what should I do what's the next move to make, I would marry you but I'm not sure if it would be a mistake, how can I trust you when you think everything I say is fake, I'm willing to jump out the window & over the broom, but if we're going to resolve this it needs to be soon