Love Poem: SIGNS
Jim Yerman Avatar
Written by: Jim Yerman


I have always believed there is more to life than what my eyes can see
more questions than I can answer…more riddles…more mysteries.

I have always believed signs from our loved ones abound…
even from those loved ones who are no longer around.

When Deborah’s sister died a rare Luna Moth gave our window in NC a kiss
and now we cannot see a Luna Moth without thinking of Pris.

Deborah’s mom loved gladiolas…they were the flowers she preferred.
Whenever Deborah’s dad found them…he’d bring some home to her.

Her Mom and Dad personified beauty and grace and love…
and whenever wee see gladiolas it’s the two of them we’re thinking of.

On our way to North Carolina we always stop at Momma’s Boy restaurant.
They have biscuits as big as your fist.
It’s a tradition heading to the mountains we never want to miss.

When we pull into Momma’s familiar parking lot…we always feel this same elation
unbeknownst to us this year, however, our GPS took us to Momma’s Boy 2nd location.

When I asked Deborah if she wanted to go back to our usual Momma’s Boy
So…to our tradition we would adhere…
No, she said smiling and pointing to the gladiolas…
I think Mom and Dad want us to eat here.

So we paused among the gladiolas admiring their multi-colored hues
thinking or Deborah’s Mom and Dad…and how they loved biscuits too.

Signs like these are everywhere…we find them from the flowers
to the clouds up in the sky…
reminders from our loved ones that their love will never die.

We’ll be spending two weeks in the mountains…
enjoying the view from high up in the sky…
And we can’t be sure but we have a feeling
Pris will be stopping by.