Love Poem: Silence
Daniel Berg Avatar
Written by: Daniel Berg


We used to talk, everyday about everything,
Now I'm not sure if you even think of me,
You left me in the cold, the frost it stings,
For what? Your words and actions I can't see.
Now I'm marooned into a place of pain,
I embrace the pain. It's all I can do,
The darkest clouds follow me, constant rain,
On the brightest memories of you. 
I hate the distance between you an I,
My heart is miles away from yours,
The farther we get, the more I cry.
All I can do is let you go,
The hardest thing for this old soul love,
I hope you are happy with him though,
That he's not a shotgun and you a dove.
Hunters always try to trick their prey,
To direct and get inside their head, 
Push them to their trap and seize the day,
Take what they need, and leave you dead.
Oh well, I'm nothing anymore,
Just a soul wandering the woods,
Watching another man roar,
And make off with all the goods. 
And you don't even care.