Silence the Violence
When the silence of Violence is here; we know that God is near. Everyone’s fear will disappear; When we find the love that God hold’s dear. He touched the world with his heart; Now it’s time for a new start. Let the Silence of violence stand so that we can protect our land. Thank God that we are finally here to share the love that God holds dear. Lets bring back the hope that God believes in the most. With Peace in the world we would all be priceless pearls. Lets love not fight; Lets show our children how God can make everything alright. Love thy neighbor and thy friend, we will all be blessed in thee end. Violence free is what I want the world to be. Violence free will start a New History. If we lead by example our children will be the perfect sample; Of what life could be if our world is Violence Free. So let’s Silence The Violence for a PEACEFUL ENVIROMENT and let’s Silence The Violence for God’s SPIRITUAL GUIDENCE. Bless our City for we need GOD not GUNS. God Bless our City for we have Won. VICTORY OVER VIOLENCE is what I see for a happy and SAFE COMMUNITY.