Silent Discovery, Love's Mighty Voice
Silent Discovery, Love's Mighty Voice
Once there was a sad soul, thought silence was gold
prayed he, need no more than me, myself and I
Silence is sweet, honey sweeter he was told
He mused, baking dead echoes into life's pie
Underground he lived, so far from noisy sound
dreamed he, magical new world where quiet reigned
In his hush and with deep hush he could be found
lowest of whispers, broke his heart as it stained
Then it happened, Love's new song, voiced its warm tune
Sad soul, discovered joy's mighty noisy splash
Found he, sunlit world dancing in early June
Cried he, thinking silence always gold was rash
Once there was a sad soul, thought silence was gold
Silence is sweet, Love sweeter, now he was told
Robert J. Lindley, 3-06-2017
Sonnet, LIN 11/11
Syllables Per Line: 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 0 11 11
Total # Syllables: 154
Total # Words: 124