Silent Silhouettes
As I lay in the abyss of time wondering alone the only thing i can do is cry and cut
myself as the pain of life and love begins to consume my soul everything closest
to my heart is fading away nothing can stop the pain and agony i must endure. to
be torn between One lover and another and yet as i think about death i hear
voices telling me not to die but to live as the pain and suffering continues, I try not
to cry and wept as the pain consumes me and yet I try to let the pain build but as i
sit on the grave stone of life i ponder is it worth it is being myself being nice being
gentle something that can lead to my down fall. As i close my eyes Blood like
droplets drip down my face i try not to reveal that I'm in pain and yet when I
awaken I see everyone closest to my heart standing their with a knife in their
hands ready to stab themselves in their heart and yet when i look at myself i see
Blood Gushing down my body as walk through the graveyard alone crying always
seeing the truth and yet when i look down into the gates of death I wonder. Is
death truly worth losing all of my friends is being yourself worth dieing alone
while ur friends dissappear into the cold abyss we call life