Silent Whispers
Stuck in this hole
Depression hits
My heart beats so slow
Is time even moving
I have thirty-five more days to go
I feel so isolated
I could be with millions and still feel so alone
As I sit in this cubical
The cold cruelty takes hold
In the form of silent whispers in my mind
Reminding me of everything I have already known
Guilt starts to spread within
The results of my most dark and recent sins
Whispers refuse to stop
My strength starts to thin
Asking myself how could I let this happen
Knowing it is my fault like everything else has been
"It is your fault she is moving away
She is ashamed to have dated you"
"It is your fault she cannot stay
Because her parents hate and don't trust you"
"You deserve this torture in every way
Karma has finally caught up with you"
I know my name is ruined
But more importantly I've lost she whom I love
She was and is the queen of my heart and my world
And of all the stars above
I had thought my return would mean the return of her love
But now I have nothing worth returning to
I am so emotionally messed up
"Why should you return at all
They kicked you out of your home to watch you fall"
"Yeah the whole school is ashamed of you
Not to mention your name is now the biggest joke in the halls"
These silent whispers are destroying my soul
No one to run to
Nowhere to go
So day after day
I sit in this hole
Silent whispers making me feel
Hurt depressed and alone