Silly Little Girl
Gliding through the ocean of lost memories,
And hours that had ceased to break free,
I looked at the horizon,
And wondered:
That must be the Edge of all Reasoning.
The divinity of Life
And the End of eternal Ignorance.
A voice:
Not from beneath the lurking clouds,
Or the translucent waves,
Or the mystic horizon,
Chanted the buried fable:
A known clatter,
A remembrance,
"Silly, little girl..."
It began.
Finding serenity in the arms of a man.
My man.
The waves had drifted me to his sunshine smiles,
The clouds had evolved from his armoured garlands,
The rain from his wanting
Had sculpted my impatient hair,
The breeze in the blink of his eyes
Like soft caress, of a wandering feather
Became the air that i breathe in loneliness,
The satin on my body, was weaved from his kisses,
And I,
Was his silly little girl..
The hunt of truth had finally ceased,
As the trails had halted in his open embrace,
The warmth of his novelty
Illuminated the mystic horizon,
My quest for answers had been imbibed,
Into the darkness
That seldom deceives the night,
And hence when he is not near me,
I am at a standstill,
Like the cold water that kisses my feet...
And the horizon grins in victory.