Silver Star
When I was young and wore a brighter crown
my costumes sheathed me like a queen.
Fleet Street followed where I walked,
sage critics copied when I talked,
scripting fancy phrases for my lips.
When I was young, before my shadow greyed,
my daily exploits wowed the crowds,
and every Fairy Princess wore my face.
Moguls scattered diamonds at my door,
and when I played packed houses every night
the people roared, encore! encore!
The day my candle flickered
Fleet Street crowed at my demise,
beneath their scorn my light diminished,
but I clung to what was mine.
When I was young, I dared to touch the stars.
How can I douse the flame she’s fanning
when beneath my fear is pride.
She treads the boards my golden daughter;
she plays packed houses every night
and wows the crowd who whoop and holler,
for the one and only, Silver Star