Love Poem: Simple Truth
Roof Missing Avatar
Written by: Roof Missing

Simple Truth

Though you’re not clear that I am dear,
still brook no fear true friends aren’t near!
Should we control who serves our soul
if there’s no toll (our gain’s their goal)?
Is it a sin to let folks in,
their insight’s win blow to our chin?
Truth’s what I’ve got? Can ‘Truth’ be bought?
Does ‘Heaven’ plot ‘Man’s Camelot?’

Self-knowing’s pride we feel inside
(or mask to hide thoughts fools abide)?
Humility is what saints see?
Does Grace ‘we own’ seal our tombs stone
Or shield from hate determined fate?
Our urge to greatness demon’s bait -
Satanic lure! Define impure?
Will to endure (non sequitur).

Long Tooth
December 10th in 2021