Sin Inequity Definition
The definition of "Sin" in four words.
"Thou shalt not hate."
You don't agree? Simply put in Exodus chapter 20 and Deuteronomy chapter 5 you have the Ten Commandments. To break any one commandment takes a form of hatred derived from within the heart.
In Matthew chapter 22 verses 34 through 40 Yeshua explained the essence of the Ten Commandments into two Commandments. To break either one of those two Commandments takes hatred derived from within the heart.
Tell me how am I wrong in my statement? The definition of sin is hatred. Thus the Ten Commandments and the two Commandments become one commandment.
" Thou shalt not hate."
I hope everyone has a great day and remember there's a purpose for smile. Seek to create Smiles in others and you will create a smile in your own heart.