Since It Is Sunday
If men, mainly MILITARY-loving men, loved their wives
We would have less violence in America, and on the planet
The Bible, oddly, does NOT instruct women to LOVE their husbands:
"Men, love your wives as Christ loved the church, and died for her"
What are wives and women called to do:
The usual, the real thing that wins men over, "RESPECT" or admire!
SERMONETTE: The sad accusation that Paul in Ephesians (Or his letters generally) is chauvinistic falls flat, in the context of just 3 verses - not having you read the whole Bible. The above call that MEN LOVE and sacrifice for their wives - as Jesus is also a Head - comes in verse 25. In verse 22 of Ephesians Chapter 5, "Wives obey your husbands as to the LORD." If you have nothing to do with LORD and Jesus, this does not apply to you. So chill ...
Men and husbands can tell empty words of love and respect: they judge, even unknown to themselves, by the respect you have for them as Head of Home. If you do as they suggest (so long as it is legal and not dehumanizing), they KNOW you are in love. Words, sweet nothings, work for some ... Bible truths for me.