Sinful Nature
Psalms 73:26 (KJV) "My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.”
I’ve worried many times –
How can He save me? I’m so sinful, so errant,
Evil at my core, I think, corrupt in ways I can’t even admit,
How can He give me eternal life when I don’t deserve His sacrifice?
How can He save me from the depths of hell…
When I really deserve that darkness and despair?
If anyone should know the meaning of unworthy, that would be me,
The child who can barely see – how He went to the trouble….
Of saving me from the darkest destruction, the abyss of anguish,
The torment of a place I’ll never see… no, I’ll never know the suffering,
Because Jesus said, believe in me and you’re forever healed,
You’ll forever be mine, a child of the King, a light – however dim,
Who bleeds hope into this dismal world, where there is more doubt,
Than the faith that sustains, the faith that answers the door
When fear knocks boldly, eager to discourage the heart and soul!
I’ve worried many times –
How can He really be mine? I’m such a stumbling mess,
I really must confess – I never can imagine just why –
But He saved me from my doubts, from my fears, from my sins.
He saved me from the worst that I’ve known, the vilest past.
He saved me so I would never know what it means to die in my sin,
Unknown by Him, the One who taught me the meaning of love,
The One who silenced my every worry with the assurance that He…
Is alive inside my heart, burning away the darkest parts
With a light of grace that shines so bright I can barely see,
Yet, I understand – Yes, I was blind, but now I see… Yes, I see
Just what He did for me!
He is here inside my heart, inspiring my greatest hope,
Stirring up prayers and praise – inviting me to grow wiser
Than I’ve ever been, assured of the Presence who is forever
His Holy Spirit, in my heart where I can always be certain of the love
That will never doubt or fade out, love that survives all time,
Love that breathes joy into my life and love that is so kind,
Reflecting the brilliance of His light, glowing throughout all time!
Yes, I’ve worried many times – needless worries
Because He is alive and His spirit abides inside, where I know Him
As mine, forever shining so that I can see eternally –
Forever with HIM, the One who knows no sin!