Sing the Song of Love and Loyalty
Sing the Song of Love and Loyalty
Raven lurking in the stillness and quiet
dark moon lit ashen mist, fog of night.
Burst of sparkling electrifying woven blanket;
Lovers spin clinging upon the wind laced secret intimate flight,
Musical chant vibrates shape hidden in sound and light.
White wolf walks in courage by day,
His lover black raven by night.
Under the drunken midnight moon bewitching charm two lovers lay;
Stolen moment of time freedom to hunger in delight.
In concert howls answers the calls of invite at twilight.
Made to roam,
carrying their spirit souls throughout eternity.
Their pleas ignored to be set free in their home;
denied of their earthly life because of jealousy and envy
of their song of love and loyalty.
© 8/9/2015
Based on a tale of two lovers magically transformed into a wolf and a raven because of the love they shared for each other never to be together as humans. One would become human during the day the other at night thus they pursue each other around until someday in some way they would become human once more.