Sing To Me My Love
The sun has risen and we still in the chamber den,
listening to the bluebirds sing love songs
and the rushing of the stream outside our window.
Life has awaken and we still hibernating and still in love;
giving each other kisses and cuddling close together,
to where our hearts kept warm forever.
Sing to me my love and I shall close my eyes,
and hear passionate lyrics roll off the base of your tongue
and speak your lovely, red lips the words of passion and love.
Sing to me my love
a song to make the bluebirds shed a tear,
to make the prancing deer come up to our front step,
to make the wolves howl at the silvery-laced moon,
to make the mountains grow higher to touch heaven's gates,
to make the rushing water in the streams lead to the seas.
Sing to me my love, oh sing to me.
Love rushes and the birds fly together,
high up above in heaven's blue skies,
and the rushing waters provide charity to the thirsty deer.
Sing to make the flowers grow in our garden,
and sing to make my heart skip a beat,
and I shall hold you in my arms,
sitting by a rich flame, which warms us up,
and I shall sing in return.
Love, my dear, love is all we need together,
we are beauty in nature,
as we sing our songs together,
harmony is what turns the world round and round.
Sing to me my love
and we shall love more than any lover loved another.
Love me, my dear, love me,
and listen to the angels in heaven's grace and glory
sing a chorus of sweet music to our ears,
and we shall sleep together and forever,
and the sun shall rise again,
the birds shall sing,
and we shall sing along with them
in love forever, my dear.