Love Poem: Sinner or Saint
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

Sinner or Saint

The sinner walks in
And the saint remembers
When he was him, 
But now he’s delivered
From the fear and the pain,
The sorrow and rain,
All of those things that remain,
penalties of the sinner.

The sinner says “I’m not to blame”
While the saint tries to still the shame,
Let go of the past,
Fear and sorrow won’t last,
There comes a day when God will surely say,
You, my child, have been saved by grace,
Wherever you go, know you’ve been spared…
Penance for the sins – the devil will never win.
You, my child, have been saved from eternity with him,

Instead, sinner turned saint, you will be…
Forever set free – forever, eternally triumphant
Over the sins that once held you captive,
Forever set free – forever, alive because you believed…
In the Son who made a way through each fear,
Taught of love that is precious and dear,
Silenced the darkness, wiping away each tear…

Because of love, each sinner is changed to a saint.
Because of love, the believing heart abides…
In the promises of life without end, a life more alive
Than life has ever been – a life that decides…
To reflect the beautiful love that He sends,
When He forgives all our sins, saves all that is lost,
Never regretting the cost – because of love that taught
His gift is life eternal – His love defeated the infernal – 
He is the great supernal… 

Once a sinner – now a saint
Because He lives, my heart can’t wait…
For the moment when He says….
Welcome home, child of mine – welcome home,
The love that saved your heart and soul…
That love is alive in this place where you’re known,
as a child of the King, who truly set you free to be…
at home in this place that was meant for souls who truly believe!

Once a sinner – now I’m free – so very free!