Love Poem: Sin's Only Strength
Roof Missing Avatar
Written by: Roof Missing

Sin's Only Strength

Sin's only strength is to blind us to God's love,
Nothing can separate God from His child,
Ego's the choice that allows Satan his day,
Need to control what God thinks is his mainstay,
Grace deemed too easy seems overprotective,
Fantasies we've lost God's love, drive us wild.

Those we blame, block the love we are not feeling,
Though men are sinful, God loves beyond death,
Blood of the Son is the part that's gone missing,
Family ties is what man keeps dismissing,
Efforts to prove our love keep us from healing,
Fearing to breathe we soon run out of breath!

Christian life doesn't belong to a hearer,
Follow Christ humbly, be faithful, be brave,
God is the victor and Satan the vanquished,
Marvel as all but God's light is extinguished,
Seek to serve others; watch heavens draw nearer,
Where's the defeat we once saw in the grave?

Long Tooth
April 9, 2016