Sin's Temptations
Sin’s Temptations…
In our flesh… There’s nothing good that dwells.
If we’re not careful…
It will lead us to hell!
Be careful when you see your brother
stumbling with sin!
It could happen to you!
And you don’t know when!
Every sinful temptation has
the same purpose and goal.
To “ensnare” you into bondage...
And forever damn your soul!
The truth of God’s word is very
plain and clear…
Things aren’t always as good as they “appear.”
When temptations come your way…
Don’t give them a chance!
Don’t fool yourself by saying;
“It can’t hurt just to take a glance!”
The purpose of Satan’s plan…
Scripture does unfold…
Everything he tells you is
the biggest lie ever told!
One thing I pray that we
all understand…
We must keep our eyes on Jesus!
Not sinful man!
JESUS is here and has something free to give!
An abundant and overcoming
life that you can live!!!
By Jim Pemberton