Love Poem: Sisters I Never Had
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Written by: Stefani Boehm

Sisters I Never Had

Through our ups and downs
Our thicks and our thins,
We always pulled together 
Every game we would win.

Laughter and joy
Tears turned to sweat,
I love each one of you
Not a time I'll regret.

You're all there for me
As I'll be here too,
Miles can't take away
My memories of you.

Together as one
We have all grown to be,
The love I have for you
Is deeper than the sea.

We stand in a circle
As we make a pact,
I love you forever
And that's a fact.

I'm sorry to leave
On such a short note,
Just never forget me
Or these words I wrote.

And always remember
The good times and bad,
You're all in my heart
For being the sisters I never had.