Sit Alone
I sit alone to wonder why things are how they are
I sit alone with no ones shoulder to cry on
I sit alone with not even myself to rely on
I trust many yet never myself
I have lost so much over the years
because i give out my heart and soul to freely
so much so that I lost who I really was in the process
I long to be who I used to be
happy, not with how I looked, but who I was
and the people I loved were the ones I could trust
with everything
But see I had let them go
because I trusted in me not what I had
sometimes I break down from seeing how the years
have gone
funny you don't notice while they are flying by
but one day you suddenly stop and start to cry
and you wonder how you made it through without
the family and friends you once knew
and little ones have grown up in a blind of an eye
and you were hardly there to see it happening
once you realize that time is slipping away from you
you may feel like there's not much you can do
I did
but then for me, my family and friends welcomed me back
with open arms
and it's so good to be here with everyone again
had it not been for everyone being there for me
supporting me, and telling me how I could do this or that
I wouldn't be able to continue on looking for people
from my past who weigh heavily on my mind
they have been extremely hard to find
but I still try, and am starting to hold my head up high
and perhaps sooner than later I will not
sit alone to wonder any longer