Skipped Stone
Just sitting by the water, waiting for you?
Picked up held lovingly, rubbed softly, gripped firmly.
The perfect throw, the perfect flight...SKIP.....SKIP...SKIP
OH what divine circles we made together SKip..SKip...SKip
Momentum slipping taken away by the very beauty we created?
Can this perfect ride be finished?
Sinking now beauty behind me perfection still in my wake.
Gracefully down I go slowly rocking peacefully down down down.
Resting on the bottom muted light, cold silence..
For a brief time watched the perfection we had created fan out above me
Perfect circles in perfect unison spread out join till they are no more.
Find me again hold me lovingly wrap your hands around me and lets make
perfection again.
For I do not like this place I am at. For it is cold,dark, silent.
Find me or I will remain here alone.
Forever remembering the beauty and perfection we had once made.