Skylines and Sunsets
In the sunny summer of '72, the magic words were, "I do".
I was in love, young, and free. You also were in love with me
O sweet love of my life Dearest friend and loving wife
You have called me honey for 46 years So faithful and true, loving, kind, and dear
Let's cuddle and kiss till we're old and grey Let's embrace and hold hands forever and a day
Let's walk around the park cause we're not tired yet Let's sit out back and watch the most beautiful sunset
Remember when we sat at the Buckingham Fountain in Chicago? We had very few clues but our eyes were alive and bright with glow
We were lovebirds falling through the sands of time of the hourglass We were strong and had every reason to believe that our love would last
Remember those nights we parked at the lake and enjoyed the lovely skyline? Our love and the grace of God have kept us together in the hardest of times
05032018cjPS 46th Aniversary poem, June 17, 2018